about the owner

Ploysai is a native Thai-Lao speaker and US citizen based in Philadelphia. She is one of the few Thai-Lao interpreters entrusted with active security clearances by ICE, DEA, and FEMA (and the Philadelphia Department of Human Services), as well as court and medical certified. Thus, she is capable of handling an array of linguistic tasks – especially those of a sensitive, confidential, or technical nature - whether via on-site, telephonic, video-conferencing, or simultaneous interpretation.
Education / Training
2014: Cross-Cultural Communications (Columbia, MD) – approved as a trainer to train and license other interpreters.
2005: Windsor Institute of Management and Technology (Sydney, Australia) - Diploma in Tourism Management; Certificate with Distinction in Business Management.
2003: Khon Kaen University (Khon Kaen, Thailand) - Bachelor of Arts in English and Minor in Tourism.